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July 21 st, 2024 (16 Sunday Ordinary B)

Dear brothers and sisters,

Christ invites us to go with him to a deserted place and rest for a while. Christ is in fact the good shepherd that leads us to green pastures and restful waters to refresh and strengthen our drooping spirit. Christ wants to fight against the false prophets and false shepherds of this generation. We are in fact living surrounded by a culture of death where there are many false teachers and false truths. The ideologies we face all the time like, gnosticism, hedonism, feminism, gender ideology, woke ideology, technocracy, and so forth. These are only some examples of how each one of us and this generation, especially the young are being lead astray from the truth. That is why people cannot find any rest. Anxiety, depression, pills drugs, alcohol consumption are enormous. The soul of the man of today is dead. Away from God and Jesus Christ we will never find true rest and true peace only an illusion of it. Christ knowing this comes today in search of each one of us. Christ wants to bring us in our life to be alone with him. To desert everything else and to remain alone to alone with him. Christ comes to feed us with his word and with his teaching. Christ is the good shepherd that goes out in search of his sheep to give them eternal life, a life that the world and all its ideologies and false teachers cannot give. Especially when we find ourselves in the cross and alone he comes to provide for us. He is the only one that gives his life for you and for me! Christ says to us: “Whoever keeps my word will never taste death.” Christ word, his teaching, if it remains in us has the power to carry us to the other side, to cross over death, and give us eternal life.

Peace, Fr. Nicholas